Once upon a time...

On December 1st, 2008, Romania’s National Day, we chose to launch the Cocor media façade with great fanfare. As the first provider of digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising services in Romania, we made history with our innovation and brand communication on the Romanian market.

Featuring a multi-faceted display of 12 LED screens covering a total area of 565 square meters, Cocor MediaChannel quickly distinguished itself as an innovative outdoor channel with a significant impact on the media landscape in Bucharest, currently holding the No. 1 position in audience metrics according to BRAT data.

Benefiting from an ideal location in the heart of the capital’s commercial, tourist, and entertainment district, and employing a creative strategy with diverse and competitive services, Cocor MediaChannel has secured loyal clients, both national and internationally renowned.

Today, with the reputation of being the leading digital outdoor provider, we must remain attentive to our clients’ needs and continue to innovate and communicate effectively. We promise to bring you exciting new developments soon—so stay close to us!

Evolution as a Revolution

Innovation is the key to business evolution, and Cocor MediaChannel continuously introduces revolutionary upgrades to its digital advertising services and technical infrastructure.

Our clients have access to a multimedia vehicle offering a unique concept: integrated BTL and ATL/outdoor and online campaigns. Cocor MediaChannel packages can include ad broadcasts, PR coverage, live transmissions, and interactive multimedia packages (online + live TV + DOOH). This ensures that our clients benefit from personalized services with BTL and ATL elements that deliver impressive long-term results.

In 2021, we joined BRAT (The Romanian Bureau of Transmedia Audit) to ensure professional measurement of outdoor audiences. The latest data shows that we are No. 1 in digital outdoor advertising in Bucharest, with a weekly reach of 19% for the Target, All demographic and 22% for the Core Target (18-49 years), with over 2 million views per week.

The audience of Cocor MediaChannel predominantly consists of individuals with medium to high incomes, higher education, entrepreneurs, and employees. They transit the Cocor area daily and are highly exposed to the advertisements displayed on the Cocor media façade.

Since 2022, one of the strengths of the Cocor media façade, offered to all our clients free of charge, is our spectacular drone-filmed campaigns. The 4K videos, showcasing both day and night footage, provide a special perspective for each campaign running on the Cocor media façade. These can be viewed on our YouTube channel here:


Since 2008, we have successfully delivered messages for renowned brands from various industries

Foods and drinks



Festivals and concerts

The impressive exposure that the Cocor media facade offers is also beneficial to individuals. “Love is in the Air” is a media vehicle used to mark special and emotional moments, such as marriage proposals or anniversaries. The service is very popular and has been enjoyed by both ordinary people looking for unique moments and cultural or sports personalities of Romania on special anniversaries.

We celebrate the personalities of Romania

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David Popovici

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Florin Piersic

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Mihai Bendeac

Evolution doesn’t stop here, and what follows will be even more exciting and interesting in an industry with increasing potential.